Mountaineer Bottom Ash Pond Closure and Repurposement
RB Jergens was contracted to close two 32-acre bottom ash ponds by removal and repurpose them with a synthetic liner system for waste water management. The clean closure project involved removing 375,330 cubic yards of bottom ash created over multiple decades and demolishing historical wooden structures and pipe inlets to remove the old discharge system
East Bend Station
RB Jergens was contracted to load, haul and place of CCR, from Waste Stabilization Plant to East and West Landfills at East Bend Station. The project involved loading, relocating and grading CCRs to accomplish the working fill plan at East Bend.
Landfill 950 Bench Final Cover
The Amos 950 Bench Final Cover Project was performed to install final cover design elements over previously placed waste that achieved the final placement elevation. This project extended the Sequence 3 Final Cover synthetics that R.B. Jergens previously completed by 10 acres.
Amos Sequence 3 Final Cover
R.B. Jergens was contracted to perform a 16 acre landfill final cover over previously placed coal combustion residue. The project intent is to provide final grades and permanent erosion control features to a portion of the operating landfill that has reached maximum capacity.
Amos Sequence 4 Landfill Expansion
R.B. Jergens was contracted to perform a 30 acre landfill cell expansion to provide future airspace for coal combustion residue disposal. The project involved blasting and excavating almost 1,700,000 CY of natural hilltop material to provide fill material within a valley needing 3:1 design grade slopes.
East Bend ELF
R.B. Jergens successfully completed the East Bend East CCR Landfill Closure project for Duke Energy during the 2022 – 2023 construction seasons.
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Need to discuss an upcoming project? Want to learn more about our capabilities? Let’s talk!
Contact us at 937-669-9799, email info@rbjergens.com or use the form to get in touch.