Amos Sequence 3 Final Cover

R. B. Jergens (RBJ) was contracted to perform a 16 acre landfill final cover over previously placed coal combustion residue. The project intent is to provide final grades and permanent erosion control features to a portion of the operating landfill that has reached maximum capacity. The project involved stripping away 15,000 CY of the temporary cover and vegetation which achieved subgrade elevations. A HDPE 50-mil “super gripnet” synthetic liner system was installed and covered with 80,000 CY of protective cover. The protective cover needed to be processed from surrounding natural rock and shale to achieve a maximum of two inch particle size. RBJ was able to maximize our sequence four landfill expansion borrow area to operate our surface miner that is a large milling machine with a rotating drum that puts out a suitable product needed for protective cover.

The project was challenging in that the sequence three portion of the landfill is located in a steep natural valley with no access to either side. RBJ overcame the access issues by placing temporary access ramps between benches and using rotating low ground pressure dump trucks to haul gravel and small quantities of soil needed when performing finish grade details.


Landfill 950 Bench Final Cover


Amos Sequence 4 Landfill Expansion